Serpentine Salaciousness

CNs: Heavy NSFW, but nothing too crazy. Exhibitionism is the most extreme thing in here. Also, for
people who don't know these OCs, there's an author's note at the end of the chapter for some descriptions and context.

But it's not plot relevant, just skip that one and you'll be good to go

Clack clack clack went Kira's heels, blending into the white noise of the main ballroom.
As it swept over her, the Countess felt the remaining stress and tension leave her, and her heartbeat finally slowed to its normal rate again. 

Not that the battle in the secret basement hadn't exhausted her mentally since the spells she had cast had eaten up most of her magical strength, but physically she remained unscathed, a fact she was made aware of once again by the many heads turning towards her upon entering the hall. 

As it was supposed to be. 
Kira made her way towards the small podium where the band filled the room with music, strutting to the tact, hips swinging a little more than necessary.
About half way she indentified her target. Samuel D'Sukaar stood right next to the stage where she had left him, his back turned to her. He was talking to a wood elven woman, possibly a wealthy tradeswoman.

She wasn't looking half bad; Her dress, a mosaic of a multiple shades of green tailored in such a way that it resembled a coat of leaves around her body, even outshone Kira's own. 
It matched her olive skin, and the way she smiled at Samuel she probably had plans not unlike Kira's own. A shame the Lady of Hermea had already decided he was taken for the night.. but not for the next five minutes. 

Kira changed her trajectory. Her rumbling stomach had just reminded her of the truly exquisite buffet there was to enjoy. Her private chefs back home didn't even come close to the quality of Dostoewsky's banquet, and while she didn't want to overeat, she absolutely wasn't going to miss out on it either.

"So that's why the southern caravans have been delayed lately. A shame, really-"
"A splendid evening to you! Would you mind if I borrowed lord D'Sukaar for a minute?" Kira chimed into the conversation, stepping forth from among the crowd, directly next to Samuel. 
As she did so, she suggestively ran her fingertips along his triceps over his shirt, even if that earned her a warning hiss from one of his capital snakes.
The rather harsh interruption took the elf by surprise and she just managed to stammer something along the lines of  "I-.. no, I don't think so.."

Not that it mattered. The moment Kira gently raised her voice, Samuel forgot about the elf entirely. 
Fixating Kira with his serpentine gaze, he smiled down at her. "I am not a lord. I am simply.. salesman."
Apparently, being surprised did not impair his ability to pick up on her little quip. She appreciated that.

"Oh, you're not?" Kira retorted, slipping into the draconic that came more natural to both of them.
"I took you for one. You certainly come off.. nobly enough." 

"I am flattered." Samuel's sonorous bariton sent shivers down Kira's spine.
Then, surprisingly, he went on the offense. "This room is a little.. overwhelming to the ear. There is a small salon along the hallway, would you mind accompanying me there?" 
"Oh, not at all." suddenly getting a naughty idea, she smirked. "That sounds just right."
Kira scanned the crowd and saw the maid that had looked after Martha maneuver between the guests, shakily balancing a tray of Champagne.

Reaching out with her magic, she whispered at her to come over.
"Yes, Countess?" Kira elegantly picked two glasses off the tray, then adressed her. 
"Fetch me one of these black cloths, the ones for the doors, if you don't mind. You'll find me in the salon."
The girl eagerly nodded and already turned around, as diligently as Kira had expected. 
"Oh, and when you did that, take the rest of the evening off, by royal order. Dostoewsky won't hold it against you, I'll see to that."
Flustered, the servant smiled at the regal lady. "T-thank you!"
Off she went.

Offering her arm and the glass to Samuel at once, Kira then asked; "Shall we?"
If he was taken aback by her unorthodox request to the maid, the only thing he showed of that was a single raised eyebrow. 
Nonetheless, he took her arm.

At this late hour, the salon was nearly abandoned. 
It was equipped with a number of expensive black velvet couches and armchairs, illuminated only by a single crystal chandelier that tinted the entire room in almost mystical, comfortably dim light.
The only people in there were two Tieflings in scarlet suits, discussing business matters in the back and a dwarf with a braided mohawk off to the side. The music was quiet in here, muffled by the solid oak doors.

Kira picked the most central couch and sat down towards one side of it, letting the heavenly velvet caress her back. 
D'Sukaar settled next to her. Not uncomfortably close, but close enough she could feel his physical presence and his knee against hers. 
So, make the first move. Let's see what you're worth. 

"Your eyes, they are.. extraordinary, breathtakingly so. If I may ask: A glamour, or something else?" Not bad. She bestowed a seductive smile on him for that.
"I wasn't born with it, but when I awakened my magic at sixteen, my eyes changed with me. 
I didn't even notice; My instructor pointed it out to me the next day. They're great, but sometimes they show a little bit too much of my emotions." 
She chuckled a little.
"It's incredibly hard to broker a peace treaty between two rivalling tribes without showing your annoyance for their stubbornness on its own, but an entirely different thing if your own eyes constantly try stabbing you in the back. Figuratively, of course. 
I've learned to control them, but most of the time I don't even bother. I kind of like it that way, even."

Samuel cocked his head, looking her directly in the eyes now. 
"So what is this astonishing magenta trying to tell me, then?"
Magenta, huh? Maybe I've had one champagne too many, if it's that obvious already. But what's life without the games.
"You're asking a lot of questions, mylord. What will you give me in exchange for this very intimate information?"

Samuel almost imperceptibly squinted his golden eyes at that. He was just about to reply, had already opened his mouth, when the door opened and the servant girl Kira had instructed earlier stuck her head in, an insecure smile on her face. 
With a feeble voice she called out to the baroness.
"Milady? I have the cloth you requested. Do you wish for me to place it in your quarters, or in the ones of Mister D'Sukaar?" 
"Here will do. Hang it over the handle like you normally would."
 With just a little steel in her voice, Kira added: "You heard me." Then, in a softer tone: "Thank you. You're dismissed." 
A little confused, the maid nodded and closed the door again. Kira didn't hear her hang the cloth over the doorknob, but it was clear that she wasn't going to question her authority, even at an unusual request like this.

Equally as clearly though, Samuel hadn't missed the connotations of her order. 
His capital snakes seemed agitated now, not hanging as relaxed as they had before any more.
"What is it you want for the information, baroness? I'm a man of many ressources. I'm certain you'll find one that.. pleases you." Always the salesman. Let's see how he deals with a more direct approach.
Turning on the couch Kira leaned against the armrest, now turning her entire body towards him and lifting a leg onto the couch, resting it against the back.

"Eat me. Right here."

For a split second, Samuel froze. Wordlessly, he took another sip of champagne. His snake eyes surveyed her over the edge of the glass, and for a second the young mesmerist thought she had gone too far.
Then he blinked. Inner eyelids first, outer ones second, and both of them exhaled, up to that point not even noticing they had held their breath.

"Your wish is my command, Mylady."

"'Me and my magenta are waiting." Kira replied, but she did it with a smile to let him know it wasn't the order it sounded like. Samuel, however, wasted less time than she had expected. He downed his glass with one big gulp and then slid off the couch, getting on his knees in front of Kira.

He let his hands travel up the outsides of her thighs, in search of her undergarments. Big, strong hands, but soft as only a rich man's could be. Kira couldn't wait to see what they could do. 
His fingers found her waistband under her dress and she slightly lifted herself off the cushion to allow him easier access.
A second later he held a black thong in hand, laced and perfectly matching her dress. In fact, Kira had commissioned them together, for exactly this occasion. She made a mental note to thank her tailor.

Samuel was about to throw them to the ground, but Kira interrupted him. "Keep them. As a trinket."
He chortled, but stowed them away in his pockets.
Then he got to work. Working his way up from her knees, he traced a trail of kisses up her inner thighs, savoring the softness of her silky skin with his lips. 

Kira had to admit that he was skilled. He had the gift of letting it come off both rehearsed and extraordinary at the same time, like he'd done it a thousand times before but like he still enjoyed every second like it was his first time.
What she also noticed were the snakes. Complementing his lips they caressed her legs, adding to the sensation and making it unique in an exceptionally weird way. Kira wondered if he could control them at will and if so how much, but before she could ponder on that more, Samuel's tongue arrived between her legs and her higher cognitive abilities signed off.

The D'sukaar patriarch ate her out with formidable prowess. Gasping, Kira arched her back over the backrest of the couch, her mouth opening in silent ecstasy. Her legs tensed and involuntarily pressed together, trapping Samuel's head between her thighs.
Not that he minded. The gorgon was completely lost in her lap, his eyes closed while his mouth worked its wonders. 

He didn't even notice when the dwarf left the room, murmuring something about adultery to himself.
Then again, Kira didn't pay him any mind either, nor did she care for the Tieflings still remaining in the back. She completely gave in to the sensation, diving head first into an ocean of pleasure.

For some reason Samuel seemed to exactly sense her tipping point and constantly held her there, teasing, edging, but never letting her fall.
At first Kira loved it, but after a few minutes she couldn't help but wonder if he intended to make her beg for it. 
Well, she wasn't ready for that quite yet. Gripping his forehead with her fingers between his frontal snakes, she slowly but firmly pushed his head away. 

"This is lovely" she panted, surprised by how out of breath she was, "but a single minute more and I would have gone crazy." 
"Are my skills that.. insufficient, Mylady?" He grinned. Sly bastard. I knew it. Well, in that case it's a game for two. 

"Not at all, but allow me to prove a little bit of hermean cordiality and repay the favor. If you were so kind as to swap places with me?" 
"Of course, baroness. If you insist.." He dropped onto the couch. The gorgon didn't even try to wipe the smug grin off his face, but Kira was going to do that for him soon enough. 

Now it was Kira's turn to get on her knees, but not immediately. She stood up, conquered her shaky knees and rose up to full height in front of him, giving him a perfect view on her curves. 
She raised her arms above her head very slowly.. and then used her mage hand to undo the laces of her dress behind her dress.

The entire gown dropped to the ground at once, revealing her nude figure. 
There she stood in the twilight of the salon, showing off all of her assets, perfection in her own right.
And absolutely revelled in the longing expression on Samuel's face. 

But no need to overindulge. She was gonna get this show on the road. 
One knee, two knees, and then she had her head in his lap, running her lips along his bulge and stimulating him through his pants already, while her hands made quick work of his belt and unbuttoned his pants.
Almost forcefully, she yanked down his pants down half way. laying bare her the prize underneath.

If she hadn't wanted to put up a perfect show, she would've whistled in approval. He was thick.
Not the thickest she'd had, but definitely more than enough. 
Losing no time, she dove down on it and took the entire cock in her throat right off the bat. 
She held it there for a few seconds, then retreated and gasped for air. That was a risk. 
She hadn't been sure she could take him, but the deep groan she got from Samuel made it worth it.

Now that she had proven what she could do, she went at it more slowly. This time she only took in the tip, letting it slide past her lips, sucking it while she rubbed her tongue against the underside of the head. 

It took her a few minutes, but she'd always had a good instinct. Soon she had him just as firmly in her hands as he'd had her just a while ago.
They danced around his point of no return and she lead, playing him like a fiddle, applying all her experience and skill to reduce the proud man to a moaning mess in her hands and mouth, hers to mold and shape as she pleased.

But similar to her before, at some point it got too much for him. 
He growled, then dug his fingers into her hair and pulled her off his dick, slowly but determinedly.
Kira enjoyed the pulling, even though she wasn't sure if he meant it like that. Let's find out.

"The proud head of his family can't take it any more?" She teased him, trying to coax a reaction out of him.
"Maybe it's my assets that are insufficient! I'm terribly sorry, but I'm sure you are enough of a man to take what you want yourself.." The bait was juicy, and he swallowed it whole.
A glimmer of recognition shot across his face. Then set his jaw. 
"Watch me." 
Through gritted teeth he almost spat the words at her.

Then, suddenly, he darted forward with serpentine grace, putting one arm beneath her while simultaneously locking his other hand around Kira's neck.
She'd known he was strong, but what followed surprised her in earnest. 

Samuel picked her up, virtually only using his one arm to support her whole weight, and threw her back onto the couch. The baroness literally yelped in shock, but didn't have time to come to terms with being thrown around like that because the next instant, Samuel was on top of her. 

And then he was inside of her. 
She moaned and he hissed, both of them captivated in mutual rapture after being edged for a small eternity.
Despite that, Samuel's hips moved like a machine, fucking Kira deep and sure, but also like a savage animal, here to claim the payoff for his efforts.
It had been a while since she'd had such a competent lover, and she vocalized all of her amazement very clearly.
Now the young sorceress was glad about the thick wooden door, because although she enjoyed having an audience at times, she wouldn't have wanted to entertain all of Ókunnheim's high society tonight.

Wrapping her legs around the gorgon, grappling Samuel with all of her limbs. 
He, in turn, pushed his weight down on her as he was fucking her, interlocking the two lovers in reciprocal captivity.

She made him grind into her even deeper, really filling her up with his cock, making both of them reach unimaginable heights of pleasure that they were crying and moaning out, pouring the sound of their fornicating all over the secluded room.
They were sweating now, too, staining the flawless velvet, but none of them cared. They were too caught up in each other for anything else to matter at this point.

But with a foreplay like they'd granted each other, there was no way this could last long.
Kira felt it in Samuel's breath and the rhythm of his body, saw his peak come closer and closer, heard his breath become raspy and his groans more high pitched.
She was feeling the same; His girth stretched her out and stimulated her so wholly she lost herself in the rapids of her pleasure, inevitably racing towards the inescapable waterfall at the end of it.

And then she was there. 
With an ear-shattering scream she came, trembling under and around him, losing all control over her muscles and holding on to him for dear life as a tidal wave of carnal pleasure swept her away.
Somewhere in between he finished as well, roaring his ecstasy out while his capital snakes twitched violently, his bariton without a trace of the control he had exemplified over it before.

The waterfall finally flowed into a quiet pond, and Kira let go of Samuel, dropping her arms down on the cushions. 
He stayed on top of her for another moment. 
They both enjoyed the post orgasmic bliss, in that particular state of mind where everything else still seems so far away but one doesn't have an overwhelming sensation at hand, rejoicing in the peace of mind that came after a good fuck.

When their muscles had stopped spasming in the aftershocks, D'Sukaar arose. 
Their sweaty bodies separated and suddenly Kira was freezing. The salon wasn't particularly cold, but after being accustomed to the heat levels of two laboring bodies it still felt uncomfortably chilly.

Standing up, Samuel pulled his pants up again. Only now Kira realized he'd never fully gotten out of them, and somehow that turned her on even more about him. She appreciated a man who didn't shy away from getting down and dirty without compromises.

Looking back to her nude body over his shoulder, he grinned. Not smiled, but grinned, with the confidence of a man who was, rightfully, very full of himself.
"The assets sufficed, Mylady?"

Oh, fuck this shit. Enough games.
"Yeah. Fuck yeah they did. Seems like I got a permanent invitation for this party now, after all this fuss with Dostoewsky. See you next time?"
Buckling his belt, he nodded, away from her so she could only see the back of his head move. 
"I surely hope so, Milady. If you should wish another demonstration of the assets at my disposal, just ask Dostoewsky for my business card; I'd be delighted to do business with you again."

And then he walked away. Very pragmatic.
The door fell shut behind Samuel, and Kira let her neck relax and her head fall down.
She would remain here for another while, listening to the business talk of the Tieflings in the back that had been continued like nothing ever happened.
After that, maybe get back to the stellar buffet. 

She just had a gut feeling to steer clear of the fruit punch. 

Author's note: Kira is one of my OCs that I originally designed for a Pathfinder (DnD 3.5 offshoot) campaign that I played her in for about two years, but it's currently on hold. So when Candy oraganized a high society oneshot, I really missed and decided to bring her, in 5e she's an Enchantment Wizard (Candy allowed me to change the spellcasting ability to Charisma since she's originally a Mesmerist in Pathfinder, an enchantment/ mind affecting class that does a lot with its eyes.) 

In terms of looks, she's an average sized woman with a wild pink mane (she employs a personal stylist since becoming a countess of her own patch of land, it's central premise of the campaign I'm playing her in), and in this oneshot she wore a dress that didn't cover much of her chest and nothing of her back, but is very wide around the legs, so it pools nicely around her legs, if you've read the story already you know what part I mean, if you haven't, look forward to it. Her eyes resemble windows into the night sky and depict nebulae in different colours. There's some art on my Twitter @mosaicassiopeia if you're curious!

Samuel is a Trader who owns his own caravan business, the father of one of Candy's OCs that they placed at the party; He's a tall Gorgon man, wearing a very expensive suit. There's not much more to say except that he and Kira "bonded" over both speaking draconic and eyefucked each other during the oneshot, but obviously we didn't get explicit during the sessions so I had to write it out like this.

Hope you enjoy/ed the read!



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