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Clocked WIP

`There they come, soldiers. Look alive.`  As always, Inertia sounded unfazed at the thought of facing down Impossible odds. Unmoved, one might say. Fangs allowed himself a smirk at that thought. Then he tapped the comm button on his right joystick, but he wasn`t fast enough. The first reply belonged to Rift, as it so often did.  `Copy, Nova Blitz. Permission to see how many we can pick off at range?` A short pause followed, so short it was unnoticable for the uninitiated ear. Then came the order. `Permission granted, Black Juggler. Keep it simple, no need to overclock the core just yet. Electrum, supporting fire.`  `Aye, Blitz.Let me warm up the rail gun. Let`s show these roaches what we got!`. The enthusiasm in Tecla`s voice was sickening. Fangs hit the comms again. `Careful what you wish for, kid. Roaches are tough. We should try to preserve as much of the coastline as possible.` Tecla snapped right back. `This will be over before you know it, gramps. I know you guys are legends and

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