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Bearing The Sky

The wind was howling around her like it was trying its best to shove her off the inner wall, but Supreme Commander Helen Ceres had bested tougher foes than this rearing autumn storm. The view from New Endurance's inner wall was what people in the pre-Kaiju age would have called 'cinematic'. Now, there were barely any cinemas left on the globe, and all the one hundred and fifteen meters of titanium, ceramics and concrete under her feet could lift her up to show her were the central European wastelands north of the city, its deep gorges, sinkholes and struggling vegetation silent witnesses to the ever raging war. Even now troops were fighting on the horizon, keeping the first harbingers of the larger horde away from the city.  Soon enough, New Endurance's great walls would come under siege again. The last time that had been the case was.. how long ago? She couldn't remember. Certainly long before her time, some two hundred odd years. A lesser leader would have cursed

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